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Become a Wedding Fayre Warrior

Become a Wedding Fayre Warrior

Regular price £50.00 GBP
Regular price Sale price £50.00 GBP
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Do you want more wedding bookings?

Are you wasting money booking wedding fayres and seeing no return?

These were both issues I faced many years ago whilst trying to enter the wedding market.

Look no further...

In this wedding fayre masterclass I will teach you how to win at your next wedding fayre.

Over the past 10 years I have exhibited at over 200 wedding fayres ranging from small local fayres to national fayres over multiple days.

You will learn:

  1. Which wedding fayres to select

  2. How to build your stand

  3. How to interact with attendees and the tricks to perform

  4. How to get on the day sales

  5. How I confirmed 14 weddings in 1 day!

Plus more industry secrets that I have learnt myself over the years.

Why am I doing this?

As I now focus on corporate events, I am no longer as active in the wedding market and therefore I feel it is time for others to benefit on the wedding fayre system I have created.

Please note this is a streaming masterclass. Once processed you will be sent your link to view (within 24 hours).

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Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
What an awesome course

I bought this course because I wanted some more knowledge on wedding fairs. I have been doing these for years now but Paul gave some really good advice to which I wouldn't of thought of.

I used his advice on the weekend and managed to bag my self some bookings.

Stephen McQueen
Good little course :-)

I’ve been doing wedding fairs for a few years now and have picked up a few different tips from different magicians.

I got quite a few helpful tips out of this.

If you get one tip that helps you secure a date with a couple it’s worth it’s weight.

Get it!

Adam Dadswell
Valuable lessons!

Paul shares his wealth of experience on all things wedding fairs. A lot of what’s here I already adopt but there were definitely some nuggets of gold I’ll be putting into practice.

Thanks Paul!


As someone who hasn't dabbled in wedding fairs when I saw Paul advertise this on facebook I knew I had to buy.
After what I have learnt I will be booking my first fair asap and feel confident I know what I'm doing.
Great teaching and looking forward to trying this out.

Matthew Barker
This is invaluable for the beginner wedding fair exhibitor

This is my opinion and others may feel differently.

I have been doing wedding fairs for a number of years now and I find that I am pretty good at them. This masterclass is a masterclass if you are new to the business of wedding fairs, the first half is about how to pick the right fair and how to dress the stand, there are plenty of mistakes newbies make and the advice is invaluable for the beginner, but if like me you have been doing it for a while you probably already have a stand you are happy with and you know how to pick the right fairs for you. The second half is about how to pitch at wedding fairs and how to go about closing the sale, there are some nuggets in there that I will be trying to see if I can up my 'on the day' bookings. I also don't do national fairs but I will probably try some next year and that is where the value of this product was for me.

If you are new to wedding fairs then this product is a no brainer, you should buy it now. If you are a seasoned wedding fair exhibitor then this product may not give you loads of new information but there may be a few nuggets that you can get from it like I have.

Is this product worth the price?

Well it depends how you value your business, Paul has some good knowledge of wedding fairs and gives some good insights into them. I personally think that it is worth the money considering it's the price of a new effect or download (I've always said if I get one piece of new actionable material, what you have paid is worth it). It's something that will give the beginner a great knowledge of fairs and how they work.

I am happy with the purchase and I am looking to purchase the trade show masterclass when I have the funds. But until then I will carry on with the wedding fairs.

Paul is a great host and he knows what he is talking about!

The only reason it lost a star was due to the fact, I personally, already doing the wedding fairs didn't get as much information from it as someone else may. (Sorry Paul)

It's still a great product though!!!